Find your documents in a few seconds

Find exactly what you need with intelligent search and locate content in documents with advanced OCR.

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Cailun Artificial Intelligence searching for a document

Intelligent document search process

Ícone pesquisa

Unified search

Allows searching across all types of documents and formats, creating a unified and efficient user experience.

Ícone filtro

Advanced filters

It allows the application of advanced filters to further refine the search results, making it more personalized.

Ícone leitura

Search for content

In addition to searching by titles and metadata, smart search can explore the actual content of documents for more relevant results.

How smart search will eliminate the delay in finding your files

Ícone arquivo morto

Search physical files

Ícone nuvem

Digital cloud storage

Ícone desorganização

Disorganized files

Ícone hierarquia

Organization by folder hierarchy

Ícone estoque

Hard-to-reach places, such as high shelves

Ícone digital

All in one place

Ícone lentidão

It takes time to find documents

Ícone raio

Instant search by content and file name

How it works


Access Cailun Drive

In Cailun Drive, access the “Smart Search” menu

First step to search for document


Enter search terms

In the menu, enter the search characteristics, such as name, content, type, location, etc.

Second step to search for document


Find your document

Artificial intelligence will find your document for you to use as you wish.

Third step to search for document

Unlock the power of AI to find your documents in moments now